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Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718

Search Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 For Homes

See Homes for Sale in This North Tucson Area

Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 Search

Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 is in the Tucson MLS North area known as the “Catalina Foothills”.

Families are served by the Catalina Foothills School District 16.

Homes in Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 will range from $225,000 to well over $3 Million.


Review Homes for Sale in Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718

Under $250,000
$250,000 – $500,000
$500,000 – $1 Million
Over $1 Million

Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 is a larger area. Ina Road or “Old Skyline” is the North border. To the West is 1st Avenue. River Road is to the South. Craycroft Road is to the East. There are a few homes in Tucson Zip Code 85718 that are East of Craycroft Road.

Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 is considered one of the more affluent areas in Tucson. The Foothills offers many distinctive Tucson luxury properties. Outstanding golf courses, fine dining and shopping are all nearby.

Points Of Interest

The Foothills area of Tucson is unique. Wildlife abounds and a comfortable lifestyle awaits. Let us help you find your place in this distinctive Tucson community.

Homes in the Tucson MLS Zip Code 85718 are close to everything. Shopping, restaurants, entertainment and activities. Central Tucson is a very easy commute.

The Tucson Luxury Communities of Pima Canyon, La Paloma, Ventana Canyon and Skyline Country Club are in this area. You can review Luxury Homes in this area at Tucson Luxury Properties website.

Upscale shopping and dining can be found at La Encantada inTucson MLS Zip Code 85718. This two-story mall is located at the Northwest corner of Skyline and Campbell Road. Many well-known stores have space at this great location. Review a list of the stores.

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