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Armory Park Tucson AZ

Armory Park Tucson Neighborhood

Find Historic Homes for Sale in Tucson, AZ

Armory Park Tucson Historic SubdivisionThe Armory Park Tucson Neighborhood is on the National Register of Historic Places. This Tucson subdivision is west of S 4th Avenue and north of E 22nd St.

It is named for the Armory located in the Military Plaza in Tucson AZ.

The Armory Park area was born after the arrival of the Southern Pacific railroad in 1880. Many prominent individuals employed by the railroad lived in Armory Park.

The Armory Park Tucson neighborhood covers about 30 blocks. Its boundaries are Stone Avenue to the west and 2nd Avenue to the east. The north/south boundary of Armory Park is 13th Street to 19th Street – MAP.

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Insights on the Neighborhood

Armory Park Neighborhood offers a rich history and unique architectural styles. Here are a few insights on this historic Tucson neighborhood.

  • History: Armory Park was the result of the arrival of the Southern Pacific Railroad in the 1880s. Many railroad employees lived there.
  • Community: Armory Park is an active and vibrant area. Residents take pride in preserving the historic homes and maintaining the area’s character.
  • Location: Residents have access to restaurants, galleries, and entertainment in the downtown area.
  • Lifestyle: This is a pedestrian-friendly community. Tree-lined streets and a mix of residential and cultural spaces.

Architecture of the Neighborhood

Armory Park home styles reflect the evolution of Tucson itself. The railroad arrived and with that event came access to the east coast of what was to become the United States. This brought new building materials and architecture to Tucson AZ.

Most homes of the late 1880’s were Victorian styles. Later, a style evolving from the Victorian architecture was Queen Anne. Other home styles of this era included Mission, Colonial Revival, and Spanish Revival.

After the turn of the century, California architecture influenced the architecture. California Bungalows were being built after 1910 and into the 1920’s. From the early 1900’s, Armory Park and much of Central Tucson homes used styles from the east and west coast.

A distinctive feature of many homes was the sleeping porch. Before air conditioning, it was common for people to sleep on the porch or rooftop. The cooler outdoor temperatures during the summer months were much more comfortable.

Looking For a Historic Home

If you are interested in a historic Tucson home, Armory Park Tucson AZ should be at the top of your list. The Armory Park area is rich in Tucson’s history.

Many Armory Park homes have been renovated and upgraded. Other homes await a Tucson historic homeowner’s loving touch. Located within Armory Park is the community of Armory Park Del Sol.

If you’re considering owing a historic home in Tucson, put Armory Park on your list.

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