Premier Tucson Homes Newsletter May 2023
Tucson Market Update – Things To Know – What To Do!
Welcome to the Premier Tucson Homes Newsletter May 2023

Tucson Homes Newsletter May 2023 – Market Update – March 2023 Results
Median and Average Sales Prices for single family homes increased Year Over Year – Median Price Up 1.4% and Average Price UP 2.0%.
Active Listings at the end of March stood at 1,676, up 53.5% from the prior year. However, active listing were down 12.1% from the prior month.
Historical Sites and Landmarks To See In Tucson
The Tucson region is home to more than a million residents and hosts more than 7 million visitors a year. Five mountain ranges surround the area and protect valley. Majestic saguaros stand guard on the desert floor and pines tower on mountain peaks.
Hohokam Indians lived here for 4,000 years before the Spanish arrived in the late 1600s. Missionaries and soldiers from Spain established many local landmarks. The Presidio San Agustín del Tucson and the Mission San Xavier del Bac—the two of the most iconic.
To learn more about these and other historic sites and landmarks in the area >>>>>>TUCSON HISTORIC SITES & LANDMARKS.
Arizona Inn – A Tucson Treasure
The Arizona Inn is part of Tucson history. Built in 1930/31 by Isabella Greenway. She also became Arizona’s first female representative to the U.S. Congress in 1932.
The design of the main building is the work of Merritt Starkweather. A noted Tucson architect .
The Inn consists of 25 structures on 14-acres. 21 of those structures contribute to the historic district.
Buildings are pink stuccoed masonry structures with blue details in landscaped gardens. The list of guests that have stayed at the Arizona Inn includes notable names from the movies, political figures and artists.
Take a minute to understand the Arizona Inn’s place in Tucson history>>>>>>>THE ARIZONA INN.
Persian Room – Fine Dining
Do you like Persian food? Do you even know what Persian food consists of?
Well, don’t feel bad, I never had it nor know what it was. But, I do now!
If you have had Persian food and want more OR want to experience Persian food, head over to the Persian Room. This Tucson restaurant is located in the strip mall at the northeast corner of Thornydale Rd and Overton Rd. A nothing special location with a memorable dining experience inside.
Want to know more? Check out our review and head over to the >>>>>> PERSIAN ROOM.
Tucson Homes Newsletter May 2023 – Gardening Tips
Water: Drip system should accommodate warming temps. Water slowly and deeply, but you may need to increase the frequency of watering for established plants and shrubs.
Fertilize: rose bushes – liquid fertilizers can be added every two weeks – citrus and palm trees at the end of May. Also feed cacti and succulents with cactus fertilizer (if using regular fertilizer, dilute to half strength).
Prune: Cut back salvia plants to promote growth. Do NOT prune lower branches on citrus trees because this shades the trunk.
Plant: Plant drought-tolerant lantana, Mexican Primrose and gazania. Also a great time to plant palms.
And by the way – Be aware of insects. Many bugs appear in May, including lace bugs, aphids, and bagworms
What’s Happening Around Tucson
Sonoita Horse Races
May 6, 2023 – May 7, 2023
Sonoita Fairgrounds
More Info – Sonoita Horse Race Website
Find Your Favorite Things To Do In May
Head Out To A – Concert Or Event
Year Around – Things To Do
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If you missed it, here is our February 2023 Newsletter.