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Kennedy Lake Tucson Fishing

Kennedy Lake Tucson Fishing

Kennedy Lake – Tucson Fishing – Description, Pictures, Map & Suggestions

Arizona Fishing Regulations

Kennedy LakeKennedy Lake is one of Tucson’s Urban Lakes and part of the Municipal Fishing Program.  Located just off Ajo Way between La Cholla and Mission Rd, the lake is located at the J.F. Kennedy Park.

Kennedy Lake is about 10 acres in size. An average depth of 8 feet makes this a very shallow lake.  Open during daylight hours and gas motored boats are prohibited. Small boats and canoes are most popular.  As in all cases, proper floatation devices must be in the boat.

As part of the Urban Lakes program swimming, wading are prohibited as are glass containers.  Leash laws apply.

Although relatively small, this lake is stocked with Catfish, Bass, Bluegill, Sunfish and Rainbow when in season.  So wet that line and start fishing

It should be noted that from the Kennedy Lake Park area you can’t see the lake.  There is a big hill between the park and the lake.  Its a fun thing to do with kids, to ask them to hike up the small rise for the first time and see what they find.  If they haven’t seen the lake before it is a great view.

Also, there are a few lake restrictions.  Canoes up to 17 feet and boats 14 feet and under are permitted.  All canoes & boats must have proper floatation devices on board. Gasoline motorsprohibited.   An Urban Fishing License is required and live baitfish is not allowed.

Kennedy Lake

Ajo Way and Mission Rd., Tucson, Az 85713 – Map

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